Kelso Technologies Inc. reports that the Association of American Railroads (AAR) has approved Kelso’s new top ball valve (KTBV) for commercial field service trial testing.
The KTBV joins the low-profile bottom outlet valve and the standard-profile bottom outlet valve (KBOV) in field service trial testing as a prerequisite for final AAR approvals. This represents another successful milepost in the Company’s revised product development initiatives for rail tank car equipment.
The underlying design research for the KTBV has been through direct cooperation and co-engineering advice from several motivated customers. The design objectives are to significantly diminish the expensive chronic performance and supply problems that are persistent with the current top ball valves widely used today.
The KTBV is utilized on general service rail tank cars for the primary purpose of loading and unloading the contents of the tank. It is positioned on top of general service tank cars with a standard configuration consisting of either two or three top ball valves per tank car. They are widely used in the transport of hazardous commodities such as crude oil, ethanol, chemicals, petrochemicals, and minerals. The new AAR field service trial will involve at least two customers with service in a variety of commodities.
The key proprietary design elements for the KTBV include the use of a more reliable, longer wearing, scratch-resistant, and non-corrosive ceramic ball. It has a seat protecting ceramic wiper which allows for seats to remain clear of any debris and impurities collecting in the commodity, therefore, extending the service life of the valve seats and the prevention of valve seat leaks.