Bernard Controls’ new electric actuators

BERNARD CONTROLS has introduced a brand new range of weather-proof quarter-turn electric actuators during the 2016 edition of Valve World Expo.

Within the FIRST BC product label, these new products offer the essentials required to operate a quarter-turn valve or damper in case of standard applications with moderate environmental and operational constraints. Full metal enclosure, super compact design, Bluetooth as standard with LOGIC control and 100% automatic quality tests during assembly, are some of the features of this new range of quarter-turn electric actuators.

Available for delivery from April 2017, the AQ range will feature two control types: electromechanical SWITCH version on the one hand, and integrated new LOGIC version (v2) on the other hand. A Local command option is also available on AQ5 to AQ50 SWITCH for on-off operation, and for positioning and modulating operations with an added positioner (‘Local command + Positioner’ Option).

Bernard Controls’ LOGIC control has been specially redesigned to offer the main functions expected from modern integrated controls.

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