MRC selected as PVF products provider

MRC selected as PVF products provider

MRC Global Inc. (MRC) has announced that Chalmette Refining (CR) has selected MRC Global (US) Inc. as the primary pipe, valves, and fittings (PVF) products provider for CR’s Renewable Diesel Project
Equipment for pressure test of industrial valves

Equipment for pressure test of industrial valves

Recently Czech valve manufacturer Valvea has put into operation a pressure test center to simulate the actual parameters of the media and test their newly designed products.
100 million pounds of food waste to renewable energy

100 million pounds of food waste to renewable energy

Every year, 18.5 million tons of food scraps from grocery stores, food service facilities, and other institutions end up in landfills. Emerson’s (NYSE: EMR)...
TEI wins Shenzi North framework agreement

TEI wins Shenzi North framework agreement

Trendsetter Engineering, Inc. (TEI) is pleased to announce the recent award of a framework agreement by BHP to support their expansion of the Shenzi field in the GOM.
Statkraft has placed 160 equal additional panels  on land to compare and document the cooling  effect on the floating panels

Featured Story – Floating solar in Albania

Restrictions in land use and the cooling ability of water have given rise to the development of floating solar energy (FPV). Recently, Statkraft, in cooperation with Norwegian supplier Ocean Sun, has commercial operations at the first unit of its floating solar project in Albania.
The entire group  strives to become a  leading provider of  mission-critical valve  solutions

Featured Story – ARMATURY Group aim to become a leading provider in mission-critical valves

“ARMATURY Group a.s. has been part of the Vexve Armatury Group since 2019, together with companies Vexve Oy and ZMK Technologies GmbH. The entire group strives to become a leading provider of mission-critical valve solutions for five core markets: power generation, natural gas and LNG, steel and iron production, district energy and the petrochemical sector, focussing on lower carbon solutions,” says Petr Groh, CEO of ARMATURY Group.
The modular butterfly valve range enables a vast number of configurations with Neles™ Neldisc™ metal seat and Jamesbury™ Wafer-Sphere™ soft seat.

Featured Story – Neles, the road ahead

Neles can pride itself on 65 years of experience in designing and manufacturing flow control solutions for various process sectors. Building on this foundation of knowledge, expertise and insights, the company is ready for the 21st century with exciting developments in renewable energies and more mature sectors such as oil and gas. One telling example is the revamped butterfly valve range that Neles recently introduced.
The flow control  industry

Featured Story – Focus on trends and tech disruption

The flow control industry, the valve and actuation sector included, has been performing above industry average, according to McKinsey. In a report from 2019, the consultancy warned that the sector needs to focus on leveraging global trends and/or technology disruption to uphold its abovepar performance.

Featured Story – Featured Story – The future of marine fuel: not yet the...

HandyTube Corporation, a Steel Partners Company, is a premium manufacturer of seamless stainless steel and nickel alloy coil and straight length tubing. Browse our Featured Story.
The Boundary Dam CCS “has laid the groundwork for any coal-fired power station in the world to be integrated with large scale carbon capture” - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Image source: shutterstock

Featured Story – Boundary Dam Project: hopes versus reality in capturing carbon

In 2014, the Boundary Dam Power Station in Saskatchewan, Canada, became the world’s first power station to successfully use CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage). Since then, the number of CCS-systems in operation has risen to 26 worldwide, with a further 34 facilities in various stages of development. But what road bumps has Boundary Dam hit along the way, and why is retrofitting its other units not viable?