First dialogue, then diagnostics!
SAMSON REGELTECHNIEK recently initiated a series of pilots with customers in the Netherlands. The pilots were not needed to evaluate the latest technology, but more to ensure that clients could make the best possible use of currently available diagnostics features, explains Sales Manager Jos Geers.
Madness in the hydrocarbon industry
We all know that a hydrocarbon plant is built in accordance with a set of rules and regulations. As the media in the pipe system is dangerous, explosive and easily flammable, we want it to stay inside the piping. Internal leaks are tolerated to a certain degree, but we can´t tolerate external leaks out of the pipes, flanges or valves.
Retrofit brings top efficiency for German CHP plant
By replacing aging steam pressure reducing valves and upgrading actuators to stateof- the-art models, N-ERGIE will realise efficiency improvements at its combined heat and power plant in Sandreuth, Germany.
Valve opportunities in an evolving market
Power generation is a major market for valves, accounting for 13% of global industrial valve sales. As the world continues to build electric generating capacity, it is also accelerating toward a lower-carbon economy. This article reviews the trends in the global power market and considers their impact on future valve sales.
Prevent valve delamination
If conventional power plants move from running at base load operation to more frequent cycling they need to consider potentially costly equipment problems, such as valve delamination, says Emerson’s Paolo Tomaini.
Bidirectional tightness under severe conditions
Using an innovative seat design concept, AMPO POYAM VALVES has managed to further improve the existing triple offset technology. This new seat concept, which combines ball and butterfly valve technology, helps to create a butterfly valve with a real bidirectional tightness in the most severe cryogenic conditions.
The energy transition: oil and gas remain key
Given the ambitions of the Paris agreement, the global energy mix ideally should shift from fossil to low(er)- carbon energy. This transition, however, will be far from easy and will require clear and transparent communication. “This is required and ultimately, we - the citizens - have to pay for this transition.”
Ensuring valve safety with Gasunie
Mr. Lammert Nijland has 25 years’ experience in valves and actuators and has been with Gasunie in Groningen, The Netherlands, for almost twenty years. He is mechanical engineer and his focus within Gasunie is on everything within the valve area, including both maintainability and design. Mr. Nijland is especially keen on preventing problems before they happen, and Valve World is keen on learning more about this.
Sitech Asset Health Center: first steps to the plant of the future
"The industry still is hesitant to use data in predictive models to optimize their operations and maintenance. Often, there are not enough data available. Within Sitech, we are trying to reverse this trend with our Sitech Asset Health Centre where we work with innovative technologies, based on all sorts of data, for predictive analytics."
Guiding the future of actuation technology
Valve World had the pleasure of sitting down with Subsea Controls Engineer, Hailing An, at Chevron’s downtown headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA, during OTC week (Offshore Technology Conference) in May.