Tyco’s BIFFI Icon F02 electric actuators played a key role in helping to suppress dust at BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance’s (BMA) coal mines in the Bowen Basin and Peak Downs. The F02 advanced modular actuators were used to control the water flow and fully automate the process at water refilling stations around the mine site. In the existing system, drivers park their water trucks below the overhead refilling outlet, alight from their vehicles and manually operate the valve to fill the trucks. There was some risk with the drivers traversing through wet and potentially slippery areas to reach the valve. This was also a very slow manual process, so the operator sought a completely automated system to make the process safer and more efficient. The solution involved installing Tyco’s BIFFI Icon F02 electric actuators to control the water flow and fully automate the process at the seven water refilling stations around the mine site. BMA set up the wireless network and configured the trucks, enabling the driver to fill up without having to leave the vehicle.