AUMA’s new multi-turn Generation .2 actuators and controls, which entered market distribution in first quarter 2010, has evolved to include explosion proof products. The SAEx multi turn electric actuator additions to the range have been developed for oil, gas, chemical and other hazardous applications. Generation .2 products from the modular electric actuator specialist offer weatherproof functionality (IP 68) and Ex de IIC T4/Ex d IIC T4 has been gained for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Enhanced functionality provided in the Generation .2 range that are advancements over the company’s original product series include extended lifetime, larger temperature range and improved corrosion protection. Benefits for demanding applications include a new coating offering superior corrosion protection at highest mechanical resistance and a version for modulating duty offers an extended speed range / improved modulating accuracy. Development focus for Generation .2 centred on improved handling and operation. An enlarged plug-in electrical connection provides improved connection facilities, a single motor plug/socket connection is incorporated and AUMA’s proven handwheel activation was optimised. Integral controls for Generation .2 actuators are equipped with Bluetooth interfaces. With the integration of torque, temperature and vibration sensors, new intelligent diagnostic functions supply significant actuator status information such as torque characteristics which can be captured at any time. Actuator feedback signals can be classified according to NAMUR recommendation NE 107 and integrated into Asset Management systems. The new Generation .2 AUMA actuator range is fully compatible with the company’s previous products.