Gas filling accuracy

A new gas filling operation equipped with CPV air actuated FloMaster® Valves has radically improved the accuracy of complex gas mixes. Until now gas mix accuracy was generally dependent on the variables and inconsistencies of manual systems which meant gas fills of up to 20% off spec or more were normal. Because CPV FloMaster Valves offer bubble tight reliability and open and close with precision timing, gas mix accuracy levels of + 2 grams per canister are now standard. This higher level of accuracy is also a function of the gas filling software developed by the Weldcoa Company of North Lake, IL. Weldcoa Gas filling platforms manufactured with CPV FloMaster valves are field configurable with up to 200 different customer designed gas mixes. Once the mix formula is loaded in, the workers hit “go” and the process proceeds to completion without human intervention. The programme is now in its fifth generation and the company says every parameter that can affect the accuracy of the mix has been accounted for.

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