GF Piping Systems has acquired PT Eurapipe Solutions Indonesia. PT Eurapipe has a strong reputation as producer of pipes and fittings made from Polyethylene (PE). The acquisition strengthens GF Piping Systems’ position in South East Asia in line with the strategy of the division to expand in growth markets.
PT Eurapipe Solutions Indonesia was founded in 1992, became part of Tyco and thereafter Pentair. In early 2015, it was transferred to an Australia-based private equity fund. PT Eurapipe generated in 2015 sales of about USD 20 M with a workforce of approximately 100 people. GF acquired 100 percent of the outstanding shares and will rename the company GF Indonesia after taking ownership.
GF Piping Systems is a supplier of piping systems made of plastics and metal. Its product range includes pipes, fittings, valves, sensors and automation as well as jointing technologies and covers all water cycle applications.