Hydrogen plant to Belarus

Koch-Glitsch sro (Czech Republic) has commissioned Uhde to carry out the engineering and procure part of the equipment for a new hydrogen manufacturing plant in Novopolotsk, 250 km north of Minsk. The plant will with a capacity of 39,000 Nm³/hour. The hydrogen produced in this plant will be used for crude oil processing. The contract includes the licence, basic and detail engineering for the Uhde proprietary steam reformer as well as part of the equipment, construction supervision and plant commissioning. The contract is worth about EUR 8 million. The plant is scheduled to go onstream in the fourth quarter of 2003. The major item of equipment of this plant is the steam reformer to be constructed in accordance with Uhde’s superior technology which permits a very high plant availability rate. All process sections are environment friendly and comply with the stringent European standards. Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany) is part of the of the ThyssenKrupp Group.

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