Orton FCx, designer and manufacturer of triple eccentric metal-seated valves has developed the ultimate design evolution for critical applications by providing a bolted body seat. This is an important feature particularly required for applications where abrasive fluids, corrosive media, high cycles, thermal stresses, may cause damage to the sealing components (body seat and seal ring). In addition this feature revolutionises the choice of seat materials by overcoming the previous restriction to only those which are compatible for welding to the base body material. This development makes the valve suitable for longer service, allowing the possibility to replace both body seat and disc seal ring on site. The seat is firmly retained in position in the body by a retainer flange secured by a number of reaction screws. A static gasket prevents back leakage. With this design solution, maintenance activities are simplified and special tools are not required. This design retains the standard body seat dimensions with nominal valve bore, with the highest possible CV and without introducing any interruption of the standard flange raised face. Additionally, the disc seal rings are fully interchangeable with the basic design. The bolted seat may be produced in a large variety of alloy materials without the typical limitations of the traditional integral body seat and the permanently welded configuration.