Rockwood Swendeman valves for cryogenic storage

In cryogenic and industrial gas industries large amounts of gases are stored in a liquefied state for long periods of time. At some point even the best cryogenic storage tanks will experience some heat flux from their surroundings, causing the temperature inside the tank to rise to a point where some of the liquefied gas begins to evaporate and reverts back to its gaseous state. This process is known as Boil-Off Gas (BOG). The use of a safety relief valve specifically designed for cryogenic temperatures is the best choice for handling pressure rise due to BOG.
Rockwood Swendeman’s bronze RXSO series & stainless steel RXSO-S series safety relief valves have an operating temperature range of -423°F to +400°F, which also makes them an ideal choice for labs and other facilities where nitrogen and other gases are supplied by boil-off from liquid gas storage tanks.
The Rockwood Swendeman design ensures that over pressure is properly relieved so the pressure vessel is not compromised and a safe working environment is maintained. All valves are certified to ASME sec. VIII.
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