Rotary actuator for offshore industry achieves success

The SA-H3 rotary actuator is adapted specifically for customer requirements, regardless of the existing interfaces, flanges, or standards. This also applies for special fittings and starting at a quantity of 1. This way, each actuator is unique. HKS has an in-house design team of thoroughly specialized experts who can implement any customer request perfectly. Many manufacturers produce standardized actuators that do not offer much flexibility. This makes customer adaptations a thing of the past. This is not the case with the SA-H3 rotary actuator, and this way, you save time and money. Moreover, the actuator can be adapted with regard to all international standards, not least with regard to material and other specific conditions, such as explosion protection. 
In the meantime, 50% of products manufactured by HKS are supplied to international customers. The SA-H series delivers reliable performance in projects around the world. For example, more than 370 actuators of various sizes were needed for a drilling rig project in Singapore. Both existing and new customers here and abroad are excited about the advanced SA-H3 rotary actuator. The solid experience and extensive engineering services of HKS ensure that a perfect, customized solution is supplied for every project. Represented by reliable partners on every continent, HKS is always close to customers and guarantees optimum service.
Thanks to in-house production, HKS can always guarantee uncompromising, high, and durable quality. HKS designs and manufactures its own products at three locations, which makes the company faster and much more flexible than many competitors.
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