Featured Story – Green hydrogen in the sunshine
In a symbolic move, US energy company NextEra closed its last coal-fired plant to invest in a green hydrogen facility. Pending approval from state regulators, the facility will be located in Florida and will produce 100% green hydrogen via electrolyzation.
BASF adopt AM as a technology with a high-potential
What started with two printing machines in a basement has evolved into an Additive Manufacturing Center (AMC) with state-of-the-art equipment and professional, 3D-manufactured parts. In November 2019, BASF opened the AMC which specializes in producing unique parts and manufacturing special alloys.
HyStock: hydrogen hub in the Netherlands
The HyStock power-to-gas installation in the northern Dutch province of Groningen is a multipronged project that aims to increase the efficiency of solar energy to supplement the country’s natural gas supply, and ultimately, to help create a ‘hydrogen economy’ in the region.
DNV-GL: electrification and digitalisation ‘transformative’ technologies in oil and gas
The oil and gas supply chain is likely to transform in this decade. The keywords are efficiency, decarbonization and safety. DNV-GL identifies the enabling technologies in its Technology Outlook 2030, which was published in December 2019.
Surging valve markets
Industrial valve sales will exceed USD $64.5 billion worldwide this year. In general, the market is growing at approximately 3-4 percent per year and in most countries is growing at 1 percent higher than GDP (Gross Domestic Products). Where GDP is growing at 2 percent, CFT (Combust, Flow and Treat Product) sales are growing at 3 percent. Where GDP is growing by 7 percent CFT sales are growing by 8 percent.
The benefits of communication
With years of experience in control valve technology plus innumerable application discussions with customers in every conceivable industry, Jos Geers is without doubt a ‘go-to’ person if you have a control valve question. Valve World therefore decided to ask Mr. Geers if he would share his thoughts on the future of the control valve.
Weird and wonderful wave energy
Scott Hunter wanted to design yachts. But instead of a career in shipbuilding, Mr. Hunter’s expertise in fluid dynamics steered him towards renewable wave energy. Now, as chief technology officer for Wave Swell Energy, he is involved in the implementation of an unconventional valve solution for use in a 200kW wave energy project off the coast of Tasmania.
Hydroelectric currents in Chile
Traditionally important hydropower is becoming less common across Latin America. However, as recent activity in Chile demonstrates, flowing water remains a potent source of energy for companies willing to invest. Domestic utilities have long understood this, but more recently, foreign companies have been keeping hydropower relevant.
Is SMART LDAR correctly applied today in Europe?
LDAR is widely used in Europe both in standard mode according to EPA Method 21 Technique (CWP Current Work Practice) and in SMART mode with Infrared Camera Optical Gas Imaging Technique (AWP Alternative Work Practic). SMART LDAR is only applicable in oil and gas fields in which both techniques are suitable and can be combined to enhance the results of the inspections.
Pressure glands: sometimes overlooked
All valves produced for the hydrocarbon industry are produced in accordance with a VDS (Valve Data Sheet). The VDS states the material quality which should be used on all parts: the body, seats, closing member (ball, plug, gate), bonnet and the stem.