GPPSL, IK Group technology to remove 36” pipeline valve

The Global Process and Pipeline Services Limited (GPPSL) in partnership with IK-Group of Norway has delivered for the first time in Nigeria and Africa, the removal and change out of a 36-inch cryogenic pipeline gate valve.
The project, executed in June 2022, was the first and largest AOGV ever deployed on the African continent to solve a long-term stuck valve issue for a major LNG plant.
The AOGV technology is basically a gate valve that can be assembled in pieces over any live flange pair upstream or downstream of the pipework or equipment requiring intervention. The AOGV isolates on the flange circumference and once the flange pressure is contained within the AOGV housing, the flanges are separated, cleaned and either an isolation spade inserted for isolation purposes or a gasket may be removed and replaced. The AOGV Mechanical Isolation Tool can create a zero-energy zone where inspection, modification, and maintenance work can be performed safely and efficiently whilst production is maintained.

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